Scorpion & Spider Exterminator, Control, and Treatment in Lubbock TX

About Spiders and Scorpions
If you're facing arachnid invaders in your home or business, you're not alone. Even though spiders aren’t insects, at Bug Tech, we still know how to treat them! Spiders are arachnids known for their long, spindly legs and intricate spider webs used to capture prey.
Scorpions are also in the arachnid family. Although they are common in New Mexico and El Paso, they also appear on hot summer nights in Lubbock and Amarillo. Eighty percent of painful stings occur between May and August.
Spiders and scorpions are common arachnids found in Lubbock and throughout West Texas. While spiders typically spin webs to catch prey, scorpions use their venomous stingers for defense and hunting. Spiders and scorpions enter the home for shelter but may also enter for food if other insects are readily available indoors.
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Scorpion & Spider Behavior
Both spiders and scorpions can pose risks to humans. While most spiders are harmless, some species, like the black widow and brown recluse, can deliver venomous bites. Scorpions, particularly the striped bark scorpion prevalent in Texas, can also sting and cause painful reactions.
Additionally, some people have an inherent fear of spiders, known as arachnophobia. Even if the spider activity is harmless, the mere presence of spiders in the home can trigger anxiety and fear. This fear can lead to stress and discomfort, affecting homeowners' overall well-being.
While some people may experience psychological distress due to spiders, the reality is that the vast majority of spiders pose no significant health threat to humans. They actually help pest control for many other insects that serve as a food source. Nevertheless, at Bug Tech, we understand the fear associated with arachnids and will remove any species, no questions asked!

Spider Risks in Texas
Black widows and the brown recluse do pose serious health risks to your family and pets and should be treated with caution. Both species of venomous spider bites can be life-threatening. Black widows and brown recluses are less common than many other species in Lubbock, and at Bug Tech, we remove several each year.
Tarantulas are less common in Lubbock than in New Mexico but may be present as more people own them as pets. Although Tarantulas are some of the most enormous spiders in the world, they are pretty harmless in Texas. Tiny hairs on their bodies are used as a threat against predators and are thrown at victims, which can cause a burning, itching rash to develop.
Identifying a Spider or Scorpion Problem
Spider webs, scorpion sightings, and unexplained bites are signs that you may have an arachnid infestation. It's essential to address these issues promptly to prevent further intrusion and potential harm to you and your family. At Bug Tech, we’ve been called to remove a single spider from some homes! Seeing a spider is often the first step towards regularly scheduled pest control, which can prevent many other unwanted pests. Seeing a spider often happens during periods of extreme temperature, like when it gets warmer in the summer and more insects enter the home.
More dangerous spiders, like the recluse and black widow, often aren’t detected until it’s too late after a victim has been bitten. Typically found in dark areas like old boots, wooden sheds, wood piles, garages, basements, crawl spaces, and cellars, these spiders are invisible until we come into contact.
Other spiders will bite at night when we’re sleeping and cause minor skin irritation. But unlike bed bugs or the kissing bug, it isn’t for a blood meal. A bite will only be for protection. Allergic reactions can occur with bites from common spiders and may make a problem more apparent.
If bitten by a spider, always seek medical attention before you call for pest control!
Species of Spiders in Texas
Texas is home to various spider species, including the orb-weaver, wolf spider, and cellar spider. Understanding these spiders' characteristics and habits can help identify and manage infestations effectively.
Black Widow Spider (Latrodectus spp.)
Black widows are one of the most notorious spider species in Texas. Their shiny black bodies identify them with a distinctive red hourglass marking on the underside of the abdomen. Black widow bites can be venomous and should be treated seriously.
Brown Recluse Spider (Loxosceles reclusa)
Brown recluse spiders are another venomous species found in Texas. They are brown in color and have a distinctive violin-shaped marking on their back. Brown recluse bites can cause necrotic lesions and should be treated promptly.
Wolf Spider (Lycosidae)
Wolf spiders are common in Texas and can vary in size and coloration. They are typically brown or gray and may have distinctive markings on their backs. Wolf spiders are known for their hunting behavior and large, robust bodies.
Orb Weaver Spider (Araneidae)
Orb weaver spiders are known for their intricate, wheel-shaped webs. They come in various colors and sizes and are commonly found in gardens and wooded areas. Orb weavers are harmless to humans and help control insect populations.
Jumping Spider (Salticidae)
Jumping spiders are small, agile spiders known for their ability to leap long distances. They have compact bodies and large eyes. Jumping spiders are harmless and are often found around homes and gardens.
Cellar Spider (Pholcidae)
Also known as daddy longlegs, cellar spiders have long, delicate legs and small bodies. They are commonly found in dark, damp, undisturbed areas such as basements and crawl spaces. Cellar spiders are harmless and feed on small insects.

Spider Infestations
Spiders are solitary compared to more social pests: ants, bees, termites, etc. Fortunately, due to their reclusive behavior, spiders rarely infest homes or are present in large numbers. Unlike other household pests such as roaches and carpenter ants, spiders aren’t attracted to human food, making them less likely to multiply.
Common hiding spots for spiders include dark corners, closets, and attics. Regular cleaning and sealing entry points can help deter spiders from entering your property. Spider infestations do happen, but typically when another infestation of a bug food source is present.
Scorpion & Spider Extermination Services
Bug Tech offers comprehensive scorpion and spider extermination, control, and treatment services tailored to address your specific needs. Our team of experts utilizes safe and effective pest management methods to eliminate arachnids while minimizing environmental impact.
Our general pest control service solves spider problems. Our chemical treatment differs slightly from that of other common pests in that we target a spider’s food source. Once the spider eats the food source, it ingests the chemical, which causes quick death. Spider outbreaks are otherwise very hard to eliminate, requiring a secondary target of the food source.
Scorpions are also solitary, and the population is minimal in Lubbock. Rarely do they enter the home. Scorpions are more likely to sting victims outside, such as at the pool or outdoor patio. Bug Tech will capture and remove a scorpion if one is present. Removal is the best action for scorpions.

Trust Bug Tech: The Pest Control Experts
While DIY solutions like spider sprays and sticky traps may offer some relief, they don't fully address the complexity of a serious pest problem. Turning to the expertise of professional extermination companies, like Bug Tech, can significantly enhance your approach to spider and scorpion management. At Bug Tech, our scorpion and spider control services adopt a proactive approach, starting with a detailed inspection to identify and seal off entry points, preventing future infestations—Trust Bug Tech's expertise to deliver a thorough extermination plan, ensuring long-term protection against these pests.